I have a column formula applied to a Status Column, however it is not applying to one of the rows.
The column formula is: =IF(Progress@row = "Complete", "Blue", IF(Progress@row = "Upcoming", "Green", IF(Progress@row = "Ongoing", "Green", IF(Progress@row = "Commenced", "Green", IF(Progress@row = "On Hold", "Yellow", IF(Progress@row = "Discontinued", "Red", IF(Progress@row = ".", "", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Blue") =…
Remove numbers if answer is text
Hey Community, The below spits out the answer : TBC60. As the milestone date is 'TBC'. Is there any way I could get SS to add nothing if the answer is text rather than a date?
How to count the number of photo shoots, not completed, by brand? COMPLEX???
Trying to get the summary of the amount of photo shoots from one column, not checked completed from second column, and sorted by the brand by third column. So three columns. (Brand column with specific brand) + (OW Shoot Date column) + (Photo Shoot Complete column) = Total shoots by brand.
Countifs formula: Counting "MacBook Pro" Instances
Hi there, I need help with counting Asset Models by Keyword and by office location. Goal: I want to sum all Asset drop-down options that include the term "MacBook Pro." Metrics Sheet: Reference sheet: I'm currently getting a zero in the Austin column on my Metrics sheet for "MacBook Pro," even though it should show a count…
Index formula referencing a metadata sheet, how flexible is the naming convention for the range?
I have several different sheets referencing the same metadata sheet. Should all of my different sheet formulas use the same naming convention for the range? Or can they reference the same range but with a different naming convention with in the different sheets? I hope this makes sense. I have a couple of different people…
Counting Text Color
Hello, I am working on creating metrics in our Smartsheet milestones. Currently, if a milestone was completed on-time, the date completed is turned green. If the milestone was not completed on-time, the date completed is turned red. What I would like to do is create a formula for metrics that reads the text color for how…
Hello team! I'm trying to reference all of the columns from one smart sheet (let's call is smartsheet A) to another (smartsheet B). Here is my formula: =VLOOKUP([Helper Column]@row, {Smartsheet A}, 7, true) 7 is the location of the helper column in both smartsheet A and smartsheet B. All of the columns in both smartsheets…
Convert text to contact
Hi Guys How can I convert text to a contact? I have a contact column - Recon Preparers, but when i use the formula below it returns a text instead of contact.
Hello Smartsheets, I was looking for some advice using JOIN/COLLECT. If I'm using JOIN/COLLECT to pull from a column that has repeat instances of the same value (in my case vendor names) is there a way to only show one instance of this name on the sheet they are being displayed on? So that I do not see the same name shown…
Column Formula to Leave Child Row Values Alone and Average or Sum them in Parent Row
So far I have been able to get three formulas to work, which include other formulas, but now I am having an issue pulling an average or a sum when the child rows do not have any formulas embedded. The following work when I convert to a column formula: For a Sum: =IFERROR(IF(C@row > 0, SUM(CHILDREN()),…