Pie Chart from Two Sheets


I have two sheets that are in effect the same - same column headers etc, but different source data feeding in.

I have a sheet summary on each. For example, if column 1 has a yes/no option, I do the following on each sheet:

=COUNTIF([1. Internal Process]:[1. Internal Process], "yes")

I now need to be able to combine the results into a pie chart on a dashboard so taking the 'yesses' from sheet a and adding them to the 'yesses' of sheet b to make a total.

I can do a report but that keeps the results for each separate and I just can't work out to combine them.

Can anyone help me please?




  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You could calculate the COUNTIF for each sheet and add them together, which can be done within one cell using the + symbol between formulas, such as:

    =COUNTIF([1. Internal Process]:[1. Internal Process], "yes") + COUNTIF({Sheet 2 Internal Process}, "yes")

    Would that work?

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