Project Status to Update a Sheet Summary Status - Formula?
Is there a way to have a formula in a row or in the sheet summary that does the following: When a row is added in one sheet and the project status is Completed, then within the project itself in Sheet Summary change the status to Completed as well? I am not sure if it is possible as one status in one sheet would have to…
Symbol Formula for values
I need to create Symbol Column Formula to display the following color symbols based on data in another column: Red symbol If value is in Vacation balance column is>= 175 Yellow symbol If value in Vacation balance column is< 175 AND >= 160 Green symbol if value in Vacation balance column is <160 Help?
Is there a formula to extract the state from an address?
Hi!! Is there a formula to extract the state from the following address? The state should be after the comma and before the zip code number. 12345 Paris Rd Dallas, Texas 75240 United States Validation Status: Validated 9856 SLEEPING BEAR RD SKOKIE, Illinois 60076-1920 COOK United States Validation Status: Validated 333 E…
Text Join Columns with a row range
Hi there- I want to Join collect the Email column(Contact field) and the Palo Alto Additional Emails column(Contact field) together with the ranges of rows 47-49 The first part of my formula worked: =JOIN(COLLECT(Email47:Email49, Email47:Email49, <>""), ", ") But when I added in the second part of the formula it didn't…
How can I get a count of new rows created on two sheets?
=COUNTIFS({Created 2}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell ), 0) = 5, {Created 2}, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell ), 0) = 2024)@cell
Formulas always there
I have a sheet where people submit new items via a form. When this is done, my sheet includes three columns of set formulas. These columns are not on the form. For some reason they stopped working. What should happen: a new item is submitted, these three columns are included and automatically calculate what I need What is…
Sum the rest of a column
Hi All, I am trying to sum the rest of a column (see below). This is in the creation of a a blueprint workspace, so there is no data in there and so please ignore the divide by zero errors. I have 2 sections for project costs, one for labour costs which is based on a very simple salary*timeframe formula, and then a second…
If, then Formulas
Hi there! I am trying to create a formula for the following scenario and i've been unable to figure it out If Status Column is "Complete", Mark as Green, IF Status of Column is NOT Complete, then apply the formula =IF([End Date]@row < TODAY(5), "Red", IF([End Date]@row = TODAY(5), "Yellow", IF(AND([End Date]@row >…
Blueprint SheetSummary Formulas
In the Blueprint project plan, there are Sheet Summary formulas, providing the 'Category' & 'Initiative' from the Project Metadata sheet. See below: =({Project Metadata | Category}) =({Project Metadata | Initiative}) I need to add a new SheetSummary formula in the blueprint project plan to pull in the 'Workstream' from the…
Linking Formulas to Reports
I am currently working on pulling engagements/deliverables and other important information from all my projects into one consolidated program level dashboard. An example of what I came across, I can create a report where I pull all the tasks at risk across my project schedules and it is very easy to add a schedule to the…