How to use automation to copy only certain rows to another sheet?
I have large rows of dataset in a sheet. I am looking for a solution that can copy specific rows to another sheet based on certain criteria. I used the automation template for copying rows, however, on fulfilling the condition specified, the automation all rows in the primary sheet to the secondary sheet. Is there a way I…
Merged: Hyperlink transfer with VLOOKUP or INDEX(COLLECT)
This discussion has been merged.
Hyperlink support in Index/Match/Collect/etc. functions
As other posts for help point out hyperlinks do not transfer when when using functions to look up hyperlink values. Please add support for looking up hyperlink values via formula such that the Display Text and URL transfer to the destination. See details in the links below. The workaround of linking to a cell in another…
Subtracting data from more then 2 columns
Hello, I have been trying to subtract numerical data from three different columns, and I have tried =[Submitted HRs]@row-[Lunch Time]@row-[Contracted HRs]@row and get invalid operation I tried using parathesis =([Submitted HRs]@row - [Lunch Time]@row) - [Contracted HRs]@row and get an invalid operation I have also tried…
change status based on previous row
Is there a way to have a formula change the status column when the row above it changes. For example when the status in Row 1, changes to "Complete" the status in row 2 will change to "Ready to Start" I know I can't put a formula in the drop down so I imagine some sort of helper column would be needed. or could this be…
Join+Collect by rows
Hello, I am trying to create a smartsheet formula to aggregate summery information from an amendment sheet onto a master sheet. However, when I attempted to use join() +collect() my cell returned all date finalized collected then all #s collected and then all types collected. I want to return data in ROWS not COLUMNS. In…
Summary Fields for Dashboard based on dropdown values
Hi All, I have a rewuirement and, although I have a solution, it is very manual. I was wondering if there was a better andmore efficient way of doing what I needed. It is a question of reverse engineering in that my requirement starts with the end product a dashboard. On this dashboard I wish to show, in graph format, how…
How to adjust formula for stacked bar chart to use HAS or CONTAINS
I have a stacked bar chart that displays how many initiatives are assigned to an individual by year. (See example below.) We've recently changed the source sheet from only allowing one year per initiative to allowing for multiple years (for initiatives that span multiple years). How do I adjust this formula to count if…
Auto RAG based on milestones
I'm looking to write a formula that auto calculates a RAG on a row and struggling where to start as not my area of expertise. I've looked in the community and examples provided have not help me answer my question so hoping someone can help. My logic is if the Planned Start Date is in the past/overdue then it should flag…
How to create a sum column formula in Sheet Summary
I have a formula base column that I'm trying to get the sum in Sheet Summary and I'm getting the #invalid operation error. I have some criteria for the sum I'm looking for and I did the exact formula for the [DDA Hours Used] column, so I'm not understanding why this one isn't working.