Changing Status Dot Color Based On Deadline Column
Hi, I've tried looking up other questions to answer this and got as far as this formula [=IF(Deadline@row <= TODAY(+14), "Green", IF(Deadline@row <= TODAY(+7), "Yellow", IF(Deadline@row >= TODAY(0), "Red", "")))], but it's not providing the proper results. I have a Deadline column and a Status column (which is the RGY…
Need help with Formula
Here is my formula to track Corrective Action status based on total attendance points. =IF([Total attendance points]@row > 7.9, "TERM", IF([Total attendance points]@row > 5.9, "FINAL", IF([Total attendance points]@row > 3.4, "WRITTEN", IF([Total attendance points]@row > 1.9, "VERBAL", IF([Total attendance points]@row <…
Help with Index/Match & Vlookup
I need to create a parent row that shows a rollup view of budget for all of the children, but I don't want to add another row/line item to my Master Sheet with the parent row because it will get too complicated. Instead, I'd like to create a separate sheet with the Unique ID tied to each project category, and create an…
Sumifs multiple criteria single column help
Hello, I'm having trouble creating a formula that will sum if multiple criteria in a single column are met. I want to sum LOE column when the capability = one of 4 values. I'm using the SUMIFS and OR functions to try to make this work in a sheet summary metric but getting the #UNPARSEABLE error. Found a few other posts on…
Convert Time/Date to Date Then Convert to Future Date
Data that I'm importing via Data Shuttle includes a date field (named Date Issued) with this format: 2022-01-22T10:30:55.999999889172613350 I added another date field (named Issued Date) where I added this formula to pull out the date only: =IF([Date Issued]@row <> "", MID([Date Issued]@row, 6, 2) + "/" + MID([Date…
COUNTIFS always returns 0
I can't get my COUNTIFS equation to work, it always just returns 0, can anybody help? =COUNTIFS([Column A]@row, "None", [Column B]@row, "None", [Column C]@row, "None", [Column D]@row, "None", [Column E]@row, "None", [Column F]@row, "None")
Ranking/VLookup Formula with Duplicates
I have an issue with my sheet where we rank the total number of projects closed from 1-5. Rank is in the first column, second column is a formula: =MAX(COLLECT([Total Project Closed]:[Total Project Closed], [Rank for Completion]:[Rank for Completion], [Rank for Sheds Comp]@row)) this returns the number of projects closed.…
Need Help with UNPARSABLE ERROR and BLOCKED Formula error
I need a Date (the Actual End Date) in the Description Column Row 35.when the Task cell equals the task of current row. and if no date in that cell to be blank Current formula is =IFERROR(DATEONLY(INDEX(COLLECT([Actual End Date]59:[Actual End Date]354, [Summary Formula Helper]59:[Summary Formula Helper]354, 1,…
Struggling with if formula to show overdue task and activate red flags
I have been playing around with the IF formula and thought I finally got the hang of it. However my "overdue" statement is not working and just set's it to "In Progress" when percent complete is not 100% on Todays date. I also want to do an At Risk statement but need to figure out what is wrong with the current formula.…
How to search for one value from data available in multiple columns and rows?
So i have one field where i need my team to input purchase order number (Correct PO number (unit team to update)). Once they put it there, i want to put a formula in next column that acts as a validation check to see if the number inserted matches or does not match with purchase order numbers in another sheet. So the…