Referencing a flag column in a Function
Hi everyone, I'm currently in the process of adding functions to my task list. I have two columns that I am trying to edit the functions of. One, (Needs Following Up) has a "priority" symbol to mark if the parent row has a child that is a follow up item. The other (Follow Up Item) marks if a row contains "follow up" in…
User Unsubscribed from Automated Workflow
Hi I have set up automation on a sheet to email spacific people when lines are added, some of them have complained they are not recieving the emails and when i looked into the Activity Log it shows User Unsubscribed from Automated Workflow. When I checked with the user they dont recall doing so and were actually Out of…
Project Intake Sheet looks correct, Project Metadata and Project Plan missing reference
Hello all, I'm new to SmartSheet so still learning. I'm using the PMO template which makes sense so far, as per the instructions. If I understand the functionality right, information feeds through from Project Intake Sheet to the Metadata and Plan sheets in the specific project folder (ie. Project Name feeds through to the…
Count unique projects
I want to count the number of unique projects under a particular workstream. For example, a workstream might have three projects under it, but each of those projects might have three people assigned to it. That's 9 occurrences in that workstream, but only three unique projects. How can I count the unique projects under…
I want the formula to count how many risks there are that are open. =COUNTIFS([Risk or Issue?]:[Risk or Issue?], "Risk", ([Status], "Open"))) I can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone help? Thanks
Is it possible to select multiple sheets and share at the same time?
We have roughly 35 sheets that need to be shared with a group of people. Is there a way to do this in one transaction rather than sharing each sheet separately? Thanks!
Calendar app not showing line items when more than one value chosen in a multi-select filter
I can see line items properly in regular SS calendar view but in the calendar app it is not displaying items it should when I filter for line items that have more than one value selected in a multi-select column. When no filter is selected, the line items appear. The filter works when i chose ONE value but not when i chose…
Removing duplicates by moving to another sheet
Hi, I have sheets A and B. Sheet A is set up that with a row that marks all duplicates as 2. I want to set up a formula that says, "If a column Duplicates is marked 2 and the customer information contains the word outdated, only move the first occurrence to Sheet B. " Leaving one copy of the duplicated on the sheet. Thank…
Formula to copy parent data to child
Working with Tasks and SubTasks I dont always have SubTasks but when I do, I'd like to bring data from the parent to the child row. Can this be done with a formula?
Combining Columns on Sheet from Form
Good afternoon, I am working on an audit stock sheet, that allows a form staff can utilize for active counts and confirm physical location. With this I am trying to find the function to combine rows with the same Product Name, Product ID, but have the differentiator being the room it is stored in. See screen shot: With the…