Recurring Reminders
I set up indefinitely recurring update requests. Currently, I have to manually delete the update request when I receive the requested information. Is there a way to automate turning off a recurring reminder? For example, if I have a "date information received" column, is there a way to have the recurring reminder deleted…
How do you create a report that counts the number of each status on a sheet?
How do you create a report that counts the number of each status on a sheet? I want to create something similar to this template but with my actual statuses not these preset ones. How can I either change this report or create a new one? When I tried to create a new one my report builder looks completely different.
VLookup's in Smartsheet - Are there limitations?
Does anyone know if Smartsheet has a threshold limit on the number of VLookups that can be used within one sheet? I have 7 columns with a max of 300 rows of data in a Target sheet, I am wanting to run VLookup's with to 3 different Source sheets and I want to make sure there's not some crazy limit that says your formula…
Automatic Reminders
I am a little confused and unsure if I am configuring this feature correctly. I have a Smartsheet with a Contact, Status, and Entry Date columns. My goal is to have a reminder automatically sent, beginning on Entry Date, and then every three days thereafter, if the Status=In Progress to the Contact listed the column. Do I…
2 questions: Reminders/Alerts & Dates in a contacts' calendar possible?
When we set reminders/alerts it goes out as an email. Is there another option for the reminder to appear a a pop up as in outlook? Also, if we have a contact column and a date column, is it possible for the dates assigned to certain contacts be imported in their outlook calendar? And then they could have a reminder that…
Syncing/Keeping Files Current from Dropbox
Does anyone know if files will continuously sync from Dropbox? I've followed the directions to attach files to a workspace from Dropbox, but any changes I've made to those files IN Dropbox are not syncing to Smartsheet. The article about "Keeping Files Updated" doesn't specify. It IMPLIES syncing, but doesn't explicitly…
How to reference cell based on MAX date and another condition?
Hello! I am trying to reference another sheet that has multiple data for the same building: On another sheet I am trying to pass over the information from Column4 if Column3 equals "Cobb Stadium" and by picked the MAX Created Date & Time. So it would pass "Yes" Since the last row has the Max date and time from today.…
Contents of a Dropdown Multi Select Column
Hi All I need help in using the contents of a Dropdown Multi Select Column. The column has the following options A B C I want to use the actual content say AB to lookup another Smartsheet for a price for that selection. I am sorry if there is an obvious answer as I can’t find it. Thanks AV
Workflow to move rows with cross sheet references
I understand that if I create a workflow to move rows with cross sheet references into a new sheet, that the cells with my formulas will not maintain the reference. Is there a way to move those rows and have them retain the values only from that initial reference?
Can I create a SUMIF "does not contain" with multiple values?
Trying to add up the number of people from all cities but, CityA, CityD, CityF, etc in the same argument. Is there a simple SUMIF formula i could use? Currently I have been using: =SUMIF([City]1:[City]51, <>"NYC", [# People]1:[# People]51) but i want Smartsheet to exclude multiple cities. I've tried a few options but felt…