Match Volunteers to Meetings
I need a way to match a list of volunteers to meetings in their area. Sheet A houses volunteer information, and the input is a Smartsheet form. Very basic, houses employee info and state (has multiple name columns because I added the "Name" column as a contact column while I was playing with formulas. Ultimately, it will…
Topic: Move Record Issue: Downstream Receiving Table Column Formulas will not stick on incom. recrd
Hi Team, I have move record functionality in my tables, and for some reason, the incoming records coming into my tables will not inherit the formulas on the columns... even when I have two template records hidden on each sheet which I need this to happen... the template records formula from the accepting table is EXACTLY…
Date Calculation: Subtract Days from Original Date
So, I'm a beginner in Smartsheets. I'm trying to build a sheet that has one "parent" date that the rest of the dates are "born" off of (e.g. T-27 days, T+14 days, etc.). I'd like to avoid using Duration because the start date isn't firm (but the end date is). I've been all over the community help section, but no matter…
Card View Functionality on Sights View
When working within a Dashboard, if I drag a card from one lane to another (Uncategorized to In Progress for example) does that information populate and work on the underlying sheet? Right now on the dashboard when I drag the card from one lane to another it updates the status (by adding "In Progress" text etc) and when I…
Formula to display count of multiple items in cell
I'm trying to create a formula that will calculate when there are more than 1 item checked in a column to display accurately in my dashboard count. Example: My Strategic Initiative column has the ability to choose multiple SI's for 1 Project. The project has 2 or more SI's, my current formula is not calculating these to…
Formula-Reference another sheet and see the column rather than(SheetName Range #)within the formula
Hello, I have a formula I am using on one sheet. The sheet is named "Mark" since he is the Point Person. =COUNTIFS([First Contact Year]:[First Contact Year], "2020", [First Contact Month]:[First Contact Month], "Jan", [Point Person]:[Point Person], "Mark") I have another sheet named "Summary - 2020". I want this exact…
How can I use a formula to count the total in a column that has specific values
I am try to count the number of people who are internal coming to an event, so we have a form that people put in what their organization is. If it is internal, it should have Geisinger in the name, but there are many branches, so it could be Geisinger (insert campus names). I want to calculate how many people have…
Weekly Volume Maximums
Hey all! I am wanting to create an availability calendar for our call center. We can only accept about 200 calls/week. The goal is to auto-sum the daily volume column for a week period and to set a condition that notifies sheet viewers that we are unavailable to accept anymore calls that week if it is over the 200 call…
VLOOKUP equivalent -- #NO MATCH error
Hello! I have a formula I'm using across several sheets referring to a source table. On 9/10 sheets, the formula works just fine. However, on one the exact same formula yields a #NO MATCH error. I've double-checked my references and everything looks good -- e.g., the match criteria does indeed exist where it should. Any…
Average children with IF
hi, i have sheet with ~300 parent row and ~1200 children row. i try to sum the progress in parent row with IF on his children. for example : if one of the children row is "sent to fabrication" he get 100% and i have five children row i want to see in parent row the value 20% progress. (1+0+0+0+0)/5