Merged: Required Fields in Automation Workflows
This discussion has been merged.
Can you add a hyperlink to a cell that's linked in from another sheet?
I'm working on a tracker & we're basically trying to find ways to combine columns. Currently we have a Sheet Link column and a Revenue column. We manually add the hyperlink to the Sheet Link column while the Revenue column links in from another sheet via formula (based on a unique ID in another column). Our goal is to…
Resource Management Question
Hello, Using the PMO SmartSheet template, I have created a PMO to organize all of our Information Technology projects. It is working well and rolling up to the Portfolio Level. What I am struggling with and need advise on is my IT team has a lot of little projects that they can complete in 1-2 weeks and usually requires…
Setting Up Color Format For A Date Field After 14 Days of Inactivity
Hello, I currently have two columns: Milestone Status and Date Updated. I set-up a workflow so when a user makes a change to a cell in the Milestone Status column, it's subsequent Date Updated cell marks the date in which the Milestone Status cell was changed. I want to set-up a function where, if a user has not made any…
End of Month Function
Good afternoon all, I'm trying to figure out how to apply the =EOMONTH(A1,0) from excel into a smartsheet. Any guidance on this would be most appreciated! Thanks!
How to get symbol to automatically update in destination sheet when it updates in the source sheet
I have rows copying over to a new sheet whenever column C is a certain name the box in column J is checked. Source sheet: Destination sheet: I would like a formula to automatically update the symbol in column L of the destination sheet to match the symbol in column M of the source sheet when the rows of columns A, B, C, D,…
Multiple columns condtional furmola/formate
Hi , I have fleet of cars my drivers manually on daily basis type the KM/Millage reading in Column (Km/Today) I need formulla for column Alert as follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - If number in col (Oil Next) is less than col ( Km/Tiday) the alert Col is (Green) AND If number in col (Oil Next) is Higher…
Populating a Multi-Select Column from Excel
I am trying to pull my data from Excel into Smartsheet and have it to have multi-select columns. I am attaching my Word doc with the descriptions and images to explain. I cannot figure out how to get that document to post nicely in this window. :/ I appreciate any and all help. Teri
Merged: "mailto:" URL functionality on Dashboards
This discussion has been merged.
Input/auto fill data from different rows
Hello, Please find the example photo I would like if there is a formula that can auto fill and input data in blank columns/same row once i type the phone number (in column phone) by calling or looking up for the data from other rows in same sheet (or from other data pase sheet) taht engaged with same phone number. For…