How do I use multiple IF statements with multiple criteria?
I am new and trying to write an IF statement with multiple criteria. The sheet will accept my formula, it will only deliver the result in the cell for the 1st two statements. I read a ton of remarks from others in the community, and I just can't find where I'm making the mistake. Any help at all would be much appreciated.…
How do I create multiple IF statements in a function
Here is my current formula for the column "Tech Setup Price" =IF(AND([Tech/Set Up]@row = "yes", [Is the frame curved? ]@row = "Yes"), 650, IF(AND([Tech/Set Up]@row = "yes", [Is the frame curved? ]@row = "No"), 500, 0)) This does not include the below added variable of the Neo Modular System, so I want to add that variable.…
IF(AND With Time
Hello Brilliant People! I'm stuck on this IF formula incorporating time and multiple conditions: *Quick detail, I work in construction and this is regarding a form my guys use twice a day to do a safety walk of the job site. Both safety walks have a cut off time determining task compliance, and there are multiple job…
RANKEQ with multiple filtering criteria
I have been trying to rank my rows that are listed as "Tier 1" in the {Level} column in order of importance based on the following criteria: 1) Highest Rank: Rows with the oldest {R/O Create Date} AND BOTH {OOS} and {Warranty} columns are checked. 2) Second: Again, oldest R/O create date, with the {Warranty} column…
How to set up columns to track status by week and not erase when moving to next week?
I have a project with tasks organized by rows. There is a column for status of each task. I've created columns for each week progressing into the future where I want to log the status at the end of each week in each column. My issue is that once we are in a new week, it leaves the previous column (week) blank. How do I…
Column Formula Help - Helper Checkbox for Shift Entries
Hello Community, I am looking for some help with a helper column checkbox formula needed to support reporting of data to a dashboard and downstream formulas. I have four shifts (A,B,C,D) entering data points into a sheet, with the potential for multiple line entries occurring per shift per day worked (see example below). I…
How to set up columns to track status by week and not erase when moving to next week
I have a project with many tasks organized by rows. There is a column for status of each task. I've created columns for each week progressing into the future where I want to log the status at the end of each week. My issue is that once we are in a new week, it leaves the previous column(week) blank. How do I keep the data…
How do I get this to work as I intend? Health Symbol Formula - Red, Yellow, Green, Gray
Hello, I've worked this many different ways, but cannot figure out how to get this to work. When I reordered the On Hold to the front, I finally got that working but then I saw the Completed < Today was red. I'm sure I'm missing something here and am fairly new to this. Will someone offer a little guidance to point out the…
Task Health Indicator Formula (IF/AND/OR)
Got burnt out looking for my exact scenario in the forums, so looking for direct help. Trying to create a formula to automate my Health column KPIs based on task status and assigned dates. Status options: Not started, In Progress, Blocked, Complete Desired Status Colors Blue: Status = Complete Red: Status <> Complete AND…
Check Box Across Sheets
Hi, I have two sheets, one is an intake sheet and the other is a metrics sheet. Metrics Sheet Plan has an OR(ISDATE( Formula to raise flag is a date is entered Agents has an IFERROR(INDEX(DISTINCT formula to capture the agents from the Intake Sheet Intake Sheet I want to add a Formula that can Raise a Flag under the PLAN…