Hello, I've worked this many different ways, but cannot figure out how to get this to work. When I reordered the On Hold to the front, I finally got that working but then I saw the Completed < Today w…
Got burnt out looking for my exact scenario in the forums, so looking for direct help. Trying to create a formula to automate my Health column KPIs based on task status and assigned dates. Status opti…
Hi, I have two sheets, one is an intake sheet and the other is a metrics sheet. Metrics Sheet Plan has an OR(ISDATE( Formula to raise flag is a date is entered Agents has an IFERROR(INDEX(DISTINCT for…
Hiya folks- all arguments work correctly except turning Health the color Yellow when Recommended Due Date is within 3 days of current date and status is not Complete. Here is what I need to accomplish…
Writing formulas is not a strong suite of mine - I've tried a few routes (IF OR AND) but I'm either running into invalid formulas or formulas that are not netting the right results. I am trying to wri…
Hello, I am trying to write an IF formula for my smartsheet that adds the letter A, B, C or D or E to a column pending on a dollar amount listed in another column, but I cannot seem to get the ranges …
Hiya folks, We want one field to show Overall Project Health. Ideally, we would figure out how to average the colors and/or tasks past due to return RYBG for the overall projects (about ~230) so that …
I am trying to populate a cell based on multiple date criteria. I am currently trying to use the below formula but I am getting an unparseable error =IF([Date Submitted]@row > DATE(2024, 9, 30), 25, "…
Hi all, I am trying to combine the following two formulas, only one works at a time. =IF([Variance (Target End date)]@row = 0, "Green", IF([Variance (Target End date)]@row <= -4, "Red", IF(OR([Varianc…
Hello There Smartsheet Community Please could you kindly point me in the right direction with my formula? Sheet 1 Contains the following sheet references "Status" = Jira Status "MMP" = MMP I need to u…