I am trying to create a formula where my swimlane shows as complete if the completion is complete, but if a project is in progress but the status is still green, I want it to show as On Target. How do…
Hiya folks, We want one field to show Overall Project Health. Ideally, we would figure out how to average the colors and/or tasks past due to return RYBG for the overall projects (about ~230) so that …
Hello! I've been struggling with this and keep coming up with nothing. Would love some help please! We have a sheet with sessions for a conference, in which I've added helper columns to identify the d…
I'd like to combine multiple IF/OR statements so when I update my status column another column will auto update: When Status is Complete or Received list Full, if not, list Empty; when Status is In Pr…
I am working on formulas to get approvals in one of my sheets - But there are more than 2 options and I'm finding it a bit confusing… IF both directors APPROVE = Trade Off Accepted IF one director APP…
Hi All, I am building a risks log and I am getting stuck building 'if and' statements to automate the rating. I have a drop-down column for Likelihood and a drop-down column for Impact, and based on t…
Hi, I've tried looking up other questions to answer this and got as far as this formula [=IF(Deadline@row <= TODAY(+14), "Green", IF(Deadline@row <= TODAY(+7), "Yellow", IF(Deadline@row >= TODAY(0), "…
Hello, I'm trying to create a formula that will put out a color according to multiple colors in a column. For example: there are columns 1 thru 6 that are rated red, yellow or green. In column 7, if a…
I want to automatically assign our year quarters to a date range so the formula would select Q1 IF date created is between A/B Q2 if date created is between C/D etc - I have no idea where to start can…
Hi Team - I have a bit of a doozy.. at least it is for me. I have a sheet that needs a status populated considering 2 different date columns. If either "Expiry Date" or "Expiry Date 2" is in the past …