IF statement for when boxes are checked


Hi! I am a SS newbie and can't figure out what is probably a very simple formula. I am needing my Project Status to change to "Design" when the ALTA Survey Completion is checked actual and/or when the As Built Received Actual is Checked.


Best Answer

  • bisaacs
    bisaacs ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @heatherfeather,

    For checkboxes, they use 1 and 0 to determine if checked or unchecked, respectively. To do what you're trying to do, you'd want a formula like this in the Project Status Column:

    =IFERROR(IF((OR([ALTA Survey Completion]@row = 1, [As Built Received Actual]@row = 1),"Design"), "")

    Hope this helps!

    If my response was helpful in any way (or answered your question) please be sure to upvote it, mark it as awesome, or mark it as the accepted answer!

    I'm always looking to connect with other industry professionals, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn as well!


  • bisaacs
    bisaacs ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @heatherfeather,

    For checkboxes, they use 1 and 0 to determine if checked or unchecked, respectively. To do what you're trying to do, you'd want a formula like this in the Project Status Column:

    =IFERROR(IF((OR([ALTA Survey Completion]@row = 1, [As Built Received Actual]@row = 1),"Design"), "")

    Hope this helps!

    If my response was helpful in any way (or answered your question) please be sure to upvote it, mark it as awesome, or mark it as the accepted answer!

    I'm always looking to connect with other industry professionals, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn as well!

  • heatherfeather

    Thank you! Is there a limit on the number of IF's I can use in one cell?

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