I really like the quarterly level ghant chart. However, when the earliest task begins near the end of the quarter, I have two months of blank ghant. I thought that I could force it to show only the pa…
Does smartsheet have any plans to add templates for Legal Project Management (LPM)? LPM is becoming a neccesity in the Legal environment and is different from Technical Project Management. Curious if …
Im trying to create a formula for a report based on howmany entrys have been created within specific date ranges. For example: how many entrys have been created 04/15/15 - 04/20/15 in column "date of …
Hi. I'm new at building formulas in Smartsheet. I have a numeric column that I want to autofill a 1 if no value is entered. Can someone help me with this?
Is there a way to select specific columns for displaying on alerts? Currently all columns display on the alert including a column that I have for my own use. Thanks, jerry
Hi Smartsheet - I recently created a series of report in smartsheets that pull specific pieces of information for departments so that managers can see their respective things and provide updates. Howe…
We have multiple projects ongoing simultaneously. In each project tasks are assigned to various team members by the managing partner. Is there a way to have a task automatically roll into a master tas…
This may sound like a foolish questions..... I specify my task durations in days. Can I specify some of them in months? The reason I ask is that I noticed that when I enter a duration as 6 it displays…
Hi there, Within the "Print Setup" for .pdf reports, under "Options", "Include comments" checkbox....when selecting this checkbox it prints out the full set of comments which is fantastic but can make…