I'm trying to figure out why the font size of the numbers are not the same for all the metrics widgets. They all pull from the same portfolio metrics sheet (shown below). Is there a way to adjust font…
Has anyone ever used a checkbox input from a dashboard in a formula to include/exclude certain data in a calculation for the dashboard? I currently have a dashboard where I ask the user to input a dat…
I have a metric that will report, month over month, new values as they are calculated and added to a sheet. There is an automation that runs each month to copy the current metric row, and place it in …
Hello, I am hoping someone can help me to understand why I am getting an error now with my metric widgets in on a dashboard. Previously I was pulling a sheet summary into a metric widget that would sh…
I often have to navigate to the data source of a dashboard widget to make updates, however there is not a direct link to the data source, and sometimes the naming of the source does not make it easy o…
I have a metric widget to display the number of submitted items. But it drops the value below the line of the field title. I have manipulated font size, removed the widget and re-constructed … to no a…
I would like to display a KPI if a condition is true ([boolean field] = true). Scenario: I have a helper sheet checking data entries for errors and a second helper sheet counting the errors. I would l…
Hello: I have a Metric Sheet that I use to feed data into a stacked column graph in the dashboard. The Metric Sheet has rows and rows of data each with a Totals column. For those rows with 0 in the To…
Hey Folks, I'm trying to create a Chart Widget to show Metrics for how many lines are down due to specific inoperable Status type and thought I had this worked out but am struggling to generate that f…
Hello Smartsheet, improving the widget's functionality to directly select the Smartsheet Form Name instead of the Form URL would greatly enhance efficiency, especially in Control Center project creati…