API Access Token for Single Sheet
Hi, I would like to generate an API Access Token for a single sheet. Currently, if I provide my API Access Token in a script for others to use, they can use it to access all of my sheets (and those shared with me). Please let me know how to do this. Thanks, Brent
How many characters are allowed per comment?
Formula Needed for Parent to Inherit Child Value
I don't think this is possible, but I need a formula where a parent row Status value reads "No Active Projects" until it has a child row below it with an "In Progress" status at which point the cell should just be blank. See image below. I use the "No Active Projects" marker to determine whether or not that department…
Formula off multiple columns
I'm trying to build a formula that works off multiple columns to give one of the 6 state pain scale results (No pain -- extreme pain). Here's my formula:IF(Cancel@row = 1, "No Pain", IF(Suggested@row = 1, "No Pain", IF(TODAY() - [Date Requested by School]@row > 14, "Extreme", IF(ISBLANK([Airline Contract Attached to…
Countif but only if?
So I am trying to count the number of times a person worked on a specific task. I have various "types", each person might have worked on the task in a different role (Lead SME, SME 2, SME 3), and then I have a check mark whether or not it should be included in the "tally". Ultimately, what I am trying to do would be if the…
RAG Status - Formula
Hi, I have currently formulated the following formula, =IF([% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 < 0.25, "Green", IF(AND([% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 >= 0.25, [% Committed to Date]1 - [Project Status %]1 <= 0.75), "Amber", "Red")) which is working efficiently, but problem occurs it shows me the…
Allowing Circular Reference
I would like to run a calculation with a circular reference =IF(Date1 = [1]1, 100 - Total1, [1]3). This allows me to keep the cell as is if the IF statement is false. Is this possible? [1]3 is the circular reference.
Asset Management Template
is there a template for asset managemen template, where you can check out and check in your asset?
Holding a calculation until specified date.
Hello, I would like to set up a row of cells to run a calculation at a specified date and time. If that is not tricky enough, I want that calculation to remain as is thereafter even though the data that the calculation uses would change frequently. Is there a way to prevent a cell from running a calculation until a…
Deactivate temporarly all "Alerts & Actions"
Hi all, i need to make some updates on my spreadsheets, that were not made on due time. But i don't want to confuse people by triggering notifications and alerts of actions already completed. Is there any way of deactivating all the "Alerts & Actions" at the same time, and then activating them again as soon as i got…