using Harvey ball status to drive a formula
Hi, Is there a way to use the harvey ball status to drive a formula? Here's an example of what I was able to achieve in excel but cannot replicate in Smart Sheet. =If(HarveyBall = "Full",date-today(),"") Result in excel, I get blank if result is true Result in SmartSheet, I get #Unparseable Observation is that the…
Constructing URLs to particular rows in sheets
Hello, I am collaborating in a project and most of the work being conducted is external to SmartSheets, which is being used as a planning tool. I would like the ability to construct an URL / Hyperlink that references particular tasks / rows. The idea is that as the project SmartSheet gets extremely big and with multiple…
Having a form as an email
I am trying to have a form go into smartsheet once it is completed with the same colors and as the form and also not show that things were updated in yellow. Is there a way to do this?
Title characters
Is there a way to increase the character restriction in the column titles? I need this for the forms I am creating, they need to be longer in the column title to create the forms I need.
Lookup reference in another row referenced
Hello, Possibly this cannot be done in Smartsheet. I am trying to port over our drawing list coordination sheet from excel to Smartsheet. The formula uses Lookup in Excel - actual revision number to find on the same row that number - then return the date of that column from the first row of the sheet. The excel formula is…
Check Flag with formula
I am trying to turn on a flag with a formula. I am using the below, my problem is that the flag does not turn red, when I enter the formula the flag disappears and I get a 1. When I take the flag formatting off and change it to text I get "true" and then turn the flags back on I get my red flags, but then I try it again in…
How to reference the <CELL ABOVE>
Is there a way to reference the cell above? example: =IF(logical_expression, value_if_true, <CELL ABOVE>) The simple way is to reference using [COLUMN_NAME]2 (the number being the current row number minus one). But this is broken anytime a row is deleted, which happens frequently on our sheet. I have tried adding an…
Unticked boxes to trigger reminder dates
In my project sheet, I have a Task Complete tick box. I would like a date to be placed in the Reminder Date column if the box is not ticked by the Estimated Delivery Date. Is this possible?
Using check boxes and flags in formulas
In my project sheet I have checked boxes and flag. I would like to include them in my formulas. Example: If the box is unchecked by X date then the X date will appear in a reminder column.
Can we please include widget for including iframe ?
Smartsheet community, I have tried smartsheet labs for the charts and have a live iframe to be embedded in the Dashboard but there is a no widget to include iframes. can we include this and do we have better options for charts and dashboards in smartsheets as i feel still a long way to go for better dashboards in…