Dashboard metric widget - size of the status RYG ball
I successfully created a dashboard with a widget that displays an overall project status from a sheet. I can manipulate the title of the widget to reflect this is a key metric but the status ball doesn't appear to be sizable and looks tiny compared to my title. Is there a way to increase the size of the ball to match the…
Alerts and Actions Badge Number
With the new UI change I am sorely missing the Alerts and Actions badge number that told me how many alerts and actions are attached to each sheet. What are the possibilities of including that number in the menu next to the menu item as in my attached screenshot?
Search or Filter to find entries based on the link instead of the value in a cell.
Hello, I'm relatively new to Smartsheet and have inherited a complex network of sheets that reference other sheets. Unfortunately there are a lot of entries where come of the cells are properly linked but others are not and it wold be very helpful to write a report or come up with a filter that can tell me which of these…
Smartsheet/JIRA Connector: Putting tickets into their sprints instead of in the backlog
We have set up a connection between Smartsheet and JIRA and whenever a row on our Smartsheet becomes a ticket in JIRA, it automatically populates in the backlog instead of within the sprint we've defined within Smartsheet. Is there a way to get around this? I saw a thread that I think was related to this which mentioned…
Hi all - I cannot figure out what's going wrong here. I'm trying to count rows in another sheet ("Sheet A") where both the following are true: * Done = 0 * IsChild = 0 My formula is: * =COUNTIFS({Sheet A Range 2}, 0, {Sheet A Range 4}, 0) Now this works perfectly! So in a cell right below that one, I then try to count rows…
Is there a way to lock certain items in an update request
I am wondering if there is a way to lock people from editing in an update request certain fields or if I should not have them in the request at all? Please let me know.
Automated Alert & Action Issues
Hello I am trying to solve an issue with a system I have set up for Automated Alerts & Actions. See screenshots below. As you can see by screenshot 3, I have created a trigger column based on date surpassed; once that date is surpassed the cell will change from N to Y. The idea ultimately is when it changes to Y it…
Date-time format
When are you developed the possibility to have date-time format ?
Linking to another sheet when a certain word is used
I am trying to get 2 sheets to work together. Meaning when I have a certain word or phrase I would like it to link to another sheet. How ever it can only be that word or phrase or nothing else. I need help Thank You
Resizing an Image
Is there a way to resize an image that has been inserted into a Dashboard? I am able to increase the size of the Image Widget, but the image is still not large enough and does not fill the widget area. Need to know if I can manually resize the image