Formulas Not Pulling
We currently utilize a very large global onboarding smartsheet. When a new hire accepts a position, the onboarding team uses a form to manually add them to the tracker so we can assign out the onboarding tasks and track progress. As part of a business initiative, we also have hidden column to track the amount of time spent…
Activity log for certain user
I have noticed on log history that one user has successfully logged in. I have full admin account, can I check his activity since last log in ?
Milestone coloring and Multiple Label Options
Can you add these features this year?
Not so pretty IF-function (works) but needs makeover
Keeping track on vacation time I need to convert dates to weeks and then again to an overview with checkboxes. In order to get a list of weeks [c_weeks_listed] (later in use with FIND) I have come up with the following IF-formula which works but will become too complex if expanded further. Any ideas for a more powerful…
Multiple sorts/countifs of different columns
Hello - new user here! I have a new sheet with ~200 rows with ~25 columns. I have created a form to feed data into the sheet and that is working great. A few of those columns include creator name, department, category, and a few other 'metadata-type' fields. I'm struggling to create summary reports of those 'metadata-type…
How to have a report exclude certain items
Hi, I'm trying to build an action item report that only shows approved items that do not meet certain criteria. So in the smartsheet, there is a check box for a document attached and several columns for links to other places. I would like to have the report include only items that are marked as approved (a dropdown column)…
Dashboard issues
Hi SS community…. One of the biggest pain points for my team and myself is the space that is wasted on dashboards. When You display reports and Dynamic calendars etc. and the lines reported in the widget do not fill the space at that moment it leaves a ridiculous amount of empty space which for a dashboard does not bode…
Report date a document was modified
I am trying to report via a summary sheet the date that the a sheet was updated. I am wanting to report when any row on the sheet was updated not just a specific line. I'm hoping that its something really simple that I've missed.
This is really a report question, I cannot use a date in the What section of building a report.
I am trying to build a report based on a date field. In the sheet, I can filter on and use the date field every way I need but when I try to build a report on the same sheet, that date field is not available when I come to the "What" filter of when building the report. I can literally see the field almost disappear in the…
Form Dropdown Help
I am trying to create a form where every student is scored under the same category all at once. For instance, I have 15 students; all 15 students will be scored on 12 categories each day, with a possible score of 1-5 for each student on each category (all numbers don't have to be used, but they can be). I want the form to…