Summarizing a Report by value count in a table
I created a report combining several different sheets, and I am trying to create (anywhere) a table that can count each topic from that combined report. Id like the table to keep updating as new topics are added. For example: Respiratory System | 1 Endocrine Systems | 1 Behavioral Health | 5 Thank you!!
Is there a way to color code a field on a report based on data for instance at risk red, etc.
Is there a way to color code a field on a report based on data for instance at risk red, etc.
Tracking % Changes Over Time
I have a master sheet (linked to many other, scope-specific QC sheets) that calculates % completion per task. Each row is for a different task, and each task has their own amount of steps. This information is all linked & calculated from the scope-specific sheets. Column 1 shows "# of steps completed to date", column 2…
How do I create a automation workflow in a report?
I managed to create a workflow in a report but I am now unable to get to the existing one to edit it OR create a new one. There was a pop up that got me to the automation workflow page to create the first one but I can't get the pop up to come back or to get into an edit view. I confirmed in the activity log of the report…
Is there a way to track changes to the report builder criteria?
I would like to see changes to the report criteria that determines what data is pulled into the report. I have a few different admins that have access to a report. What the report pulls in from the sheets keeps changing, and I want to see who is making the changes. I don't see the option under the Activity Log. Edit since…
How do I create a summary page or report from a Financial Donor List?
Hello, I have a sheet that tracks donations as they are received; name, email, and amount of the donation. Some are one time donors, others are repeat donors, and I would like to create a summary page that lists each individual donor and the total amount they have donated. Also, is there a way for a new donor to…
Using Smart Sheet and Web Form to manage testing
Hi, Are there any recommendations you can provide to using Smart Sheet and Web Form as workaround to traditional testing applications to manage repetitive testing (case management and result gathering) across multiple users performing same test case? I'm currently using a reporting template but there are numerous…
How do I retrieve the Login History for a deleted user
I used to see the login history of the users in my organization. Unfortunately once I deleted a user I cannot see their login history anymore. How should I go back and retrieve the history of actual and former smartsheet users of my organization?
Don't include parent rows in checkbox complete roll-up percentage
Hello. I'm new to formulas and need help. I'm trying to figure out how to get the total % complete for a column of check boxes. We need to know the % complete by milestone (which we figured out) AND the total % complete. We use parent rows as headers that should not be included in this total. I had a formula that sort of…
Sending report link as automated alert
Hi. I'm sending a link to my report in an automated workflow as an "Alert Someone". The recipient email contains a link to the report and a snapshot of the report, but it is limited to 100 rows. A message appears at the bottom that says 18 more rows not shown. Is there anyway to include all rows in the report in the email,…