Allow sheet Summary Reports as a source for Dynamic Views
It would be helpful to be able to share summary field information from multiple projects using Dynamic View and a Summary Report. Summary Reports are an excellent way to share summary field data for multiple projects. Sharing this data using Dynamic View allows the owner/admin to show key fields in a grid, then make…
Reporting on Dates in the past for Milestones
Hello, I am trying to run a report for upcoming milestone dates for employees such as birthdates and hire date anniversary's. I have the format in a date cell in the Mon/Day/year format. When I run the report the "In the next xx of days" filter does not grab any of my dates as they are in the past. Is there a good way to…
Merged: Publish Reports for Editing
This discussion has been merged.
Sharing or Conversations, Attachments, Etc. side panels in the way? Temporary Fix.
I had a user at our company complain to me about the Sharing panel taking up too much real estate while on his laptop. He also expressed annoyance at being unable to hide the Conversations, Attachments, Etc. panel and having it stay hidden. I put together this simple Chrome Extension (works in the Edge browser too) that…
Creating a chart from a multi-select dropdown among multiple sheets?
Hi there, I am running into a roadblock on creating a report and graph for the below scenario. We have a bunch of event sheets (about 10) that all have an 'assigned to' column that is a multi-select contact list and it varies between sometimes being assigned to just one person and sometimes to multiple. I am trying to…
How to count cells when they have multiple values selected, and I'm only wanting a specific one?
Because we can't use wildcards on the program, I am at a loss to set up a report that summarizes my sheet. I'm trying to determine how many entries are the 'Status' outlined in each Primary Column row, where the 'Suggest Solution' is the text in each column header. The 'Status' can only be one value, but the 'Suggested…
Looking for Invoice tracker and/or Purchase Order tracking template
I inherited a sheet that I'm trying to redesign. We have multiple purchase orders (PO) with multiple invoices applied to each PO. Once an individual invoice is paid by accounting, we want to mark the row "complete" and move the row to an archive sheet. The PO needs to continue to reside on the original sheet so that…
Merged: Allow for updating report parameters via API
This discussion has been merged.
Auto populate formula column not showing up on report
Hello! I have a sheet with a formula to auto populate a checkbox is a status is entered. The checkbox formula works on the sheet, but when I created a report to pull the checkbox column, the column is empty and will not show the checkbox. Did I do something wrong? Is there a way to populate the column in the report and…
Remove Column Headers in Report Widget
Report Widgets when using only 1 column are very difficult to design and integrate into a dashboard. You can either not have a title but then it does not match other widgets or use a title but then it basically has 2 titles. See below images. Without title: With Title: The option to remove the column headers would allow…