Create an unlicensed admin account for IT administration
We use an outside managed service provider (MSP) to support the IT needs of our business. It would be great to have an unlicensed (i.e., free) account that they could use to manage our Resource Management by Smartsheet system -- they would not represent a resource which has to use the system for resource mgt purposes. This…
calculate maximum date
Hi everyone, I need your help to calculate the maximun data for each resource, starting from a sheet where the activities are recorded. I have a sheet where I write all tasks for each resource: I need to have the maximum date present in the "task" sheet for each resource present in the "resources" sheet Can you please help…
Block time tracking under "Report time for Something Else"
I would like to see a way to block resources from tracking time to projects where they have not been assigned any tasks on the Project Plan in Smartsheet. This is causing huge deviation in our actual hours and costs vs planned hours and costs. For example, a project phase is planned to only be worked by three resources at…
Resource Management - Allocation Heatmap showing Non-Billable "Purple"
I'm trying to display an allocation heatmap for billable items only. In the filter on the left I've selected "Billable" but this internal project still shows as "purple". If I go into projects and unselect the non-billable project, then it turns to Grey but still shows on the heatmap. Because we have a lot of items for…
Resource Manager Analytics Pre-Defined Date Ranges
In RM when creating a report, there are pre-defined ranges such as "this week", "last week", "next 30 days", etc. Why is there no "Next Week" or "Next 2 Weeks" options to allow resource managers to perform short term resource planning?
How to link a Workload Planning View to a Rollup/Dashboard
Hi , how do I link this info (tab on the RHS of an Intake sheet) to a dashboard in a workspace? IE I want the Gant view of the Workload planning in my Dashboard.
Resource Management Panel Displaying Invalid Schedule: Need Help with Workload Tracking Issue
Hello, I recently deleted a sheet that contained some scheduled assignments and resource allocations. Although the sheet is no longer valid or relevant, the schedule still appears in the resource management panel, and the system is not refreshing and updating it. I have tried resetting the system by turning off workload…
Add multiple Bill Rate lines
By adding more than 1 bill rate line, Project Managers can compare billed rate versus cost rate for financial projections.
More options for Time entry locking in Resource Management
Currently there 3 Time Entry locking possibilities in Resource Management to choose from: 1. Do not lock time for a project 2. Lock all time entries for a project 3. Lock time entries for this project that are older than xx number of calendar days. Idea: enhance the Time Entry locking states by introducing additional…
Importing ms project file on a weekly basis into Smartsheet; impact on RM?
Client requests project plan in mpp format. Company needs to use RM module to track timesheets, resource allocation, forward looking availability based on sales pipeline. Heard uncomforting stories about importing mpp into Smartsheet. I doubt the below will work; would appreciate support from the community: Based on mpp…