Self-Update Solution - Enabling [outside] users to edit previously submitted content
If you host a set of records that "belong" to others, and you want them to be able to edit their records at any time, check out this dashboard as a seedbed of ideas for how you could achieve this. Please suggest other wording I could edit into in this title or entry to help people find this. I'm doubtful "self-update" is…
Parent Rows in Report
Hello, I have a made a current user report which shows only tasks where the current user needs to update. However I need the parent rows to show above the current user which may not be assigned to the same user. Is there any way to show parent rows in a report if there is filters that are applied which stop from parent…
How do i set up a conditional format, when i want more than one person in the assigned to column
I have each assigned to person with conditional format with a color to let them know what they are assigned to work, but what if i need two or more associates to work that particular assignment, how do i set up conditional formatting for that, or would that be a formula?
Newly Created Groups not appearing
I have created a few groups and added members over the last 24 hours - however when I attempt to share sheets or dashboard - they do not appear as an option. I have submitted a ticket - but have not yet heard back from support. Am I missing something?
Creating a Report
Can I create a report, share it and restrict the user from seeing the SmartSheet?
Customer add/edit sheet rows
I need customers to be able to add rows of information to a smart sheet, and later be able to edit those rows. A scrolling table view interface would work better than a form so users can see multiple records at a time. The sheet needs to be secure so that customers can only see/edit their information, and not be able to…
Can I create a User Acceptance Testing Form based on a sheet?
I'm looking to create a UAT form for several departments with the same requirements. I have pre-populated fields that I need them to see and comment/respond to. All "Informative Only" fields are locked on the sheet. My sheet headings are: Primary: (Sub Sections of Primary Sections_ Example: XXX Account Settings, then there…
A thank you to the Community
A word of thanks and gratitude to the Smartsheet community. For the help and support over the last 5 years of my Smartsheet journey. I love it and will miss it; and knowing you are there around the world ready to help. But alas it must end. I have lost of my job in an organisation wide restructure. Keep doing what you do…
Embed form in an automated email
I would like to be able to embed a form in an automated email that is sent out to people once a week, so that I can request status reports. I would like to use this, instead of an update request, so that I can have a historical record of previous status and comments. Embedding the form will improve the user experience,…
Is there a feature to set a default starting row when opening a sheet?
Hello. I maintain a tracking sheet where new row entries flow in via a form. The most recent entries go to the bottom of the sheet. It is not efficient to have to scroll to the bottom every time we open the sheet. Is there a feature to set a default starting row when opening a sheet?