Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Sheet Summary for Dashboard

So i have multiple sheets (15) which are all using the same template of marketing events. i created a dashboard which shows upcoming events in the next few days based off a report (pulling from the 15 sheets).

I would like to add a metric on the dashboard which show (for example) how many webinars we have going across the 15 sheets. I tried creating a report to aggregate the information (filter = event type webinar) but i can't create a summary metric on the report.

Anyone know how i can create a metric based on filtered rows from 15 sheets into one dashboard?

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Umesh Shah ,

    You'll need to create a sheet to collect the metrics you want displayed. The sheet would contain formulas with external references to each of your 15 marketing event sheets. I'd set the sheet up with a column of your marketing sheets and then a column for each of the metrics you want on your dashboard. Create formulas to extract the data for each sheet. Then total them at the top. Add a metric widget to display the total for each metric. Understand? Think that will work for you?


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  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Umesh Shah ,

    You'll need to create a sheet to collect the metrics you want displayed. The sheet would contain formulas with external references to each of your 15 marketing event sheets. I'd set the sheet up with a column of your marketing sheets and then a column for each of the metrics you want on your dashboard. Create formulas to extract the data for each sheet. Then total them at the top. Add a metric widget to display the total for each metric. Understand? Think that will work for you?


    I'm grateful for your "Vote Up" or "Insightful". Thank you for contributing to the Community.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    thanks, i was hoping it would be easier than that. oh well...

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