How do I cusomize system generated date created?
This generates a date and a time. How do I customize so I just get the date. I can then use a formula to count across a date range. I cant if thee is a time in the cell too.
Changing the "Contact" function (Global Variable Please?)
Salutations, Presently, I am attempting to generate a productivity report regarding employee projects and workflows. I have utilized the Contact feature, as I'm only tracking/assigning tasks for Management level. No other users will use this or see it. However, we are unable to presently store sheet-specific data, as…
Date/Time Stamp Option
While trying to figure something else out, I stumbled across a new option for having specific actions date/time stamped using the stem generated Modified (date) type column and the new Copy Row automation. . DISCLAIMER: This does not scale very well as is. If you have a lot of rows you are wanting to track a lot of changes…
Maximum cross-sheet references
Once you reach this figure of maximum cross sheet references how can you get around this. I want to configure calculations to 2030. Got to June 2025 before I got stuck. Regards Steve
Why do my sheets not allow me to scroll all the way to the right anymore?
Minor ask, but very inconvenient... Especially when I am sharing sheets with colleagues who do not often use SS. As you can see in the screenshot above, I am scrolled all the way to the right, but the rightmost part of my last column is not accessible. I can hit my drop down button if I double click the cell, but this is…
Converting Cell Text to Hyperlink
Hi. I have a formula in a cell that generates the name of a course using text from other cells (e.g., BUS-430-BL-6W-1D-Master). FORMULA: =LEFT([Subject + Course]2, FIND(" ", [Subject + Course]2) - 1) + "-" + RIGHT([Subject + Course]2, LEN([Subject + Course]2) - FIND(" ", [Subject + Course]2)) + "-" +…
Milestone Duration Not Calculating Correctly
When putting milestones into a project plan, the duration is calculating as "1d" instead of "0" like it should. I cannot figure out why this is happening. Can anyone please advise?
Can I automatically adjust predecessor dates by changing the dependent date?
I'm looking to create a dynamic project schedule with the functionality described below and would appreciate any help from the Community! Our dependent task end date changes rather frequently based on shifting priorities. I would like to change the final dependent end date (in this example, 'swim') to 3 days later (9/10)…
Hlookup Help
Hey, I have a formula currently in a spreadsheet that is an Hlookup, and I am super stuck recreating it in SmartSheet. I have tried the index match, but it is still not working. I have it attached but basically, I have 2 factors "likelihood" and "impact" that drive the "severity". There is a table that says what the…
Deleted Rows
RIGHT NOW: Implement a pop-up warning to alert someone and verify that they want to delete a row. You do it for unlocking rows, and that's nothing compared to deleting a row. SOON: Give us a new user level with edit access but no ability to delete rows or make it impossible to delete a row if any cell in that row is locked…