Collecting Average Between 2 Ranges
Hi all! I am trying to collect an average over the last 12 rows (including the current row). To do this, I created 2 additional helper columns (Line-ID and Row#), and trying enclosing the condition in an AND clause, however this seems to return unparseable. I think I am on the right path or way of thinking here, but that…
Is there a way around an Invalid Operation when using Dates generated by formulas
Hi, I am trying to use this formula =IF([Next inspection due]@row <= TODAY(0), 1, 0) then mark it with a flag. in the Flag Due Date column. Every time I use this formula I get INVALID OPERATION because the Next inspection due column is created from a formula of a formula of a date. Date6 is add on 6 months, Date1 is add on…
Gantt View on a Dashboard - issues with Gantt showing data accurately.
When using a Report to pull data from a Sheet, the report allows you to configure the Gannt in various was (day/week/quarter, etc). When displaying the Report on the DB, and wanting to view a part of the Data, and the Gantt at the same the ---> the Gantt isn't proper. Ou use-case is shipping goods measuring Pickup Date to…
Customization of Default Phrases in various areas
For vaious methods of communication, Smartsheet has default pre-populated messages: SEND, SEND UPDATE REQUEST, and others. Is there a way for us to customize these pre-populated messages - highlighted on the screenshot (and any other pre-populated verbiage)? So they are automatically pre-populated with our message?
Trigger "when rows are added or changed" doesn't work
Hello all, I have created a Workflow to send a weekly email notification when rows are added or changed in a Sheet, but it doesn't work with "Run Now". It doesn't detect any of the changes made. I have created this Workflow on other Workspaces and it works fine. If you have any idea, why in this case it is not working, do…
Experience with DDUpdate?
I have been playing around with DDUpdate over the past few weeks. It has been working well until today, where all my mappings are now inactive. Fortunately, none of the mappings are in production sheets. For all you DDUpdate subscribers out there, how has your experience been? How is the support? Reliability? I logged a…
Formulas Not Automatically Updating
Hi, I have a sheet with formulas in multiple columns. Non-licensed staff are able to add rows of data via a form, and also make updates to existing rows of data via a dynamic view. They view the data via a report. I have this same set up running for 33 separate locations, however one location has been indicating for the…
Improve Activity Log to include API Detail
When Bridge queries a sheet, it will be indicated as such within the Activity Log. However, there is no transparency as to which API workflow this is coming from, so any kind of quick troubleshooting is impossible. Smartsheet technical support also is unable to see this information from their side. The Activity Log should…
Sheet setup for scalable data
Looking for a best practice to set up a scalable (target vs. actual, month-over-month) sheet - There are 15 specific varying metrics (e.g. numbers, $, %) collected monthly by different people. Each metric will require both actuals for the prior month and a target for the next month. I would like to show both monthly…
Hello - looking for help creating my sign in and out form.
I am fairly new (yet familiar with the possibilities available) in Smartsheet. I am in the process of creating a tracking form for my job to see anytime a device is in use and which employee is in possession of a shared device and what location they are working at that moment. I am collecting the employee's name and ID…