Is it possible to Update Cells in Both Sheets when they are Linked?
What we are trying to do is use one sheet as a general project breakdown (Sheet 1). Within that project breakdown is a construction schedule. We want to make a second sheet that contains all the information in the Construction schedule section of sheet 1 and turn that into its own sheet (sheet 2). I know this is possible…
How do I add age range
I am trying to take a list of all employees that includes their info like department, name, and age and then create a age range (like 16-24, 25-34, etc...) so I can then count how many employees fall under each age range. I have tried two ways and neither work. FIRST ATTEMPT: -The first and i think easiest is to have a…
Why dont non working days carry thru to other projects?
I ticked the box to apply to all of account but they dont show or take effect in other projects? What am I missing or did not do?
Copy row automation from a formula based column
I have 3 intake sheets for a multi tier blueprint, I am using data shuttle to bring in all of my clients, program and project to one master sheet and from that master sheet, I have 3 formula based check box columns to track if the client, program or project exists or doesn't exist. If it doesn't exist I want to copy the…
Getting Permission Error Message Copying Rows to another Sheet
Hi, Can anyone help out? I am getting an error message copying rows from a sheet on which I am the owner to another sheet where I have "editor-can share" permissions. Error message obtained is "You do not have sufficient permissions on this sheet to make this change". Lisa
Sheet formulas are not auto-updating until the sheet is opened
Is this still a known issue with the TODAY() function OR is there a way to get around it? https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/59131/sheet-formulas-not-auto-updating?_gl=1*hx7amf*_ga*NDg5OTI2NTg5LjE3MDYwMzk4MDY.*_ga_ZYH7XNXMZK*MTcwNjgwOTkzNi41LjEuMTcwNjgxMDAwMy41OS4wLjA.
Adding year to quarterly equation to count
I want to count how many projects in each network have expected completion dates within the quarter per year. For example, in Upstream, I know 3 projects will complete in Q1 2024 but 1 will complete in Q1 2025. The formula I'm using won't account for the year and count correctly for what I know are the actual expected…
How can I use a function to pull dates from Sheet A to Sheet B?
I have a master sheet of dates for multiple programs and projects. The layout of the sheet is: Program | Project | Start Date | End Date Each program is divided into hierarchies as such: Program A --Program A-1 ----Program A-1 | Project A | Start Date | End Date ----Program A-1 | Project B | Start Date | End Date…
How can I view 2 sheets at the same time? Goal is to make sure the rows are the same.
I am using the PMO template provided by Smartsheets. Under Project Level, I have a Template folder that I use to create new project folders (save as new). When I make a change to the project plan in the template folder, I would like to view the project plan in the other project folders. Right now, I would just like to be…
IfError returns "incorrect argument"
Hi, I am trying to find values that exist between two Smartsheets. When it does, I should get a checkbox, and when it doesn't, I would like the checkbox to be unchecked. If I use: =IF(INDEX({Sheet B}, MATCH([ProjDef in ASH Custom]@row, {Sheet B}, 0)) = [ProjDef in ASH Custom]@row, 1, 0) I get "#No Match" when a value…