I have a master sheet that I plan to replicate multiple times retaining all configuration I have done ie workflows, attachments, predecessors. It appears that saving as a template and saving as a new …
Hi all, I'm sure someone has encountered this but I'm curious if anyone has done anything with setting an entire project "On Hold" so that it reflects in the rollup sheets/dashboards. For reference, w…
Hey everyone, i have created a template task list including their dependencies and I would like to copy and paste them in my sheet, so I don't have to figure out the dependencies for every bucket on i…
We have a one Smartsheet for a list of different type of training events we run throughout the year with associated tasks. We have templates at the very bottom of the smartsheet, to copy and paste, fo…
Hello, I have generated a 'Project Management Template Packet' to be re-used by Project Managers each time they begin a new construction project. One important item we use is an RFI Form- used by fiel…
Hi everyone! We are hoping to leverage Smartsheets to help our team understand how much we have on our plates. The net net: We believe we are operating overcapacity but need an easy way to show that -…
I'm looking to create a sheet to manage our department's inventory of swag/give-aways. I currently have the asset management template set up and running and am using the barcode functionality which is…
Hi Team, I am trying to find a template to create/form a RFQ for a customer and then turn that into an invoice. So for clarity - customer ask for a quote to build a product that has multiple steps to …
So I've set of a project template, comprising a project schedule and project cost tracking. In the project cost tracking solution there is a budget & cost tracking sheet, an invoices sheet and a cost …