SmartSheet and OneNote - Where is Integration?
I see posts going back to 2015 and older promising OneNote integration. If you're not going to do it - just say so. SmartSheet is a fine product, but without ON integration, it creates too much effort to keep both platforms current. OneNote is fantastic at the details of PM, but does not handle the organizational aspects…
Hide formula error message
Hi, I have set a formula up to add 7 working days to a date: The date is added once an action is completed. =WORKDAY([Date]1, +(7)) If the source cell is empty I get the error message #INVALID DATE TYPE Is there any way to hide or remove the error message. Thanks Hugh
Date formula
Hi I'm working a construction project, and need to use a formula (or another method). To have a cell generate a remainder duartion period, based on a set completion date and duration against the current date. I look forward to any suggestions. Thanks
Sum a range based on the status of a check box
HI, I am in desperate need of formula help. Nothing I try seems to work without getting #UNPARSEABLE I require a formula to calculate the total of costs based on if another colum is checked. Prices quotes colum against approved checked colum.
Does Smartsheets do Automatic Resource Deconfliction?
I have a smartsheet and I have assigned resources in the "Assigned to" column and enabled resource management. Smartsheet will show me when my resources are overbooked, but it will not automatically stretch out the schedule such that the resources are not overbooked. I thought this functionality was included - do I need to…
[Product Enhancement] Improve Update Request Messages - Bundle E-mail, Add CC
Often I am sending an update request to two people who work in tandem - the current system creates two individual e-mails and records in the system rather than 1 e-mail/record that shows multiple recipients - the same way using any other e-mail system does. The current method causes mis-communications and does not promote…
Contacts list on webform
I would like to use the dropdown list of contacts in a web-form, does anyone know if this is possible? thanks Adam
Tag Multiple Contacts to one row?
At my work we have a project in a row and assign it to one employee, but we also need to, for lack of a better word, tag other employees who need to be able to quickly see the progress being made and oversee the project. Ideally it would be great to have card view show each employee with their assignments in one color, and…
Have Sheets feed child rows automatically into a Master Sheet?
Forgive me if this topic has been covered before, I've done the best I can searching. So my employer wants to have our projects be listed in a sheet, each department in a different sheet and to have that information feed into a master sheet (or a couple master sheets actually). I know you can cell link one row at a time,…
cell data randomly deletes!
when resting my mouse in a cell, the content randomly deletes (with no action on my part). How can this be stopped? screen recording of deleting - notice Column Title Row 2 - disappears NO ACTON on my part.