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[Product Enhancement] Improve Update Request Messages - Bundle E-mail, Add CC

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Often I am sending an update request to two people who work in tandem - the current system creates two individual e-mails and records in the system rather than 1 e-mail/record that shows multiple recipients - the same way using any other e-mail system does. The current method causes mis-communications and does not promote a collaborative environment. 

When CCing I should have the ability to set "ALWAYS Cc Me" as an option. Additionally, I'd like to CC more than just myself. Sometimes I need to CC my manager or one of my team members. Current method leaves stakeholders in the dark and should allow for free form address box the same way that I can send an update request to individuals. 



  • Hi Klist,

    I edited your tags for parity with your discussion.

    We have a new way to submit enhancement requests so you can provide your story directly to our Product team. In the Quick links section on the right, click "Submit Product Enhancement Request" and fill out the form.

  • I agree.  We need this ability as well.  Often times our workers in the field change without our knowledge but their supervisors do not.  This will allow us to cc the supervisors and my managers about the update request.

This discussion has been closed.