RAG Formulas
I have a project sheet and I have used formulas to create metrics. I have a RAG column and want to simply create four metrics: I am struggling to find the correct formula to simply count the following: * RAG Status Green * RAG Status Blue * RAG Status Amber * RAG Status Red Many Thanks
Can I filter with a date formula?
I'd like to filter to show "Open tasks and recently closed tasks". I have this working but "recently closed tasks" is hard coded to ">= March 1, 2017". Can I use a formula for this? I tried to use "=Today()" but that says "Invalid Date" (with or without the quotes). Is this possible?
Cell linking within the same sheet
I have a project where I have a start date and due date for each of my tasks, however on a calendar report sometimes I want the start date to show up on the calendar (when it GOES to reviewers) and sometimes I want the due date to show up on the calendar (when the analysis needs to be COMPLETED). I've created a summary…
Smartsheet formulas with multiple columns
We're using Smartsheet for some change management, and I'm new to both Smartsheet and spreadsheet formulas. What I’d like to do is have a formula looks at a column that indicates the type of change (Major, Minor, Emergency, etc.) and then looks at a number of check boxes and adds an approval in a separate column. So, for…
Help with check boxes
Hello, I am trying to figure out the formula to get a check box to auto check when two other boxes are checked. In the image attached, I'd like to link the check Boxes in line with Person 1 and Person 2 to the check box in line with President Elect. How do I do that without linking all the other lines? Thanks
Scheduled Reports Not Generating
I have set up several recurring scheduled reports to be run this week, and NONE of them have run. I am using the "Send as Attachment", "PDF", "Schedule to send later or on a recurring basis", I set it up, then hit "Send", and the recurring event appears in the "Sent to" field with the circular arrow icon to its left, but…
Can I filter child rows based on Parent row task name
Is it possible to filter a sheet based on the Parent Row task name? For example, if I have some child tasks that fall under the parent task name "Electrical" and some child tasks that fall under the parent task name "Mechanical" and I want to only see the parent and child rows for "Electrical". My sheet may have several…
Acivity Log for existing enterprise plans
The activity log does not appear to be enabled in my existing enterprise plan. How do we turn this on?
Critical Path with Start-to-Finish project sheet.
Hello, I have set up a project sheet that has a fixed finish date so I have set up dependancies in all my tasks on a Start-to-finish basis. All good except it look like Critical Path doesn't work with sheets set up like this. Any advice gratefully received.
TODAY() Formula Not Working
I am in the process of creating a sheet that shows the duration each of my machines has been on site. I am trying to us the TODAY() formula to reference the current date, but it is not working. Essentially, I am trying to use the 'Date Delivered to Site' column that I've created, and have the 'Duration on Site' column…