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Acivity Log for existing enterprise plans

Brent Nathan
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

The activity log does not appear to be enabled in my existing enterprise plan. How do we turn this on?


  • ruiovaz
    ruiovaz ✭✭✭

    I have the team plan and I'm also having this problem


  • ruiovaz
    ruiovaz ✭✭✭
    edited 04/20/17

    Hi just discovered my problem! In portuguese the message in the "Activity log" ("Registro de Atividades") window is  wrong. It shows:

    "Atualize para um plano de Equipe ou Empresa para usar o Registro de Atividades."

    and it should be

    "Atualize para um plano de Executivo ou Empresa para usar o Registro de Atividades."

  • JLC
    JLC ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Doesn't work for my team either on our Enterprise plan.

  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 04/28/17

    Hello All—

    Activity Log is available to Business plans and eligible Enterprise plans. If you need to know if your plan is eligible, please reach out to your plan's Sales representative. (They can lookup your plan information and provide logistics.)

  • JLC
    JLC ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Shaine - I reached out to Support yesterday, as per your Facebook page's suggestion, as to why our Enterprise plan isn't allowing us to use the Activity Log. No response yet. When I view the account admin area, it's listed as "Enterprise (legacy)". Very confusing!

  • "Enterprise legacy" indicates that you're in an Enterprise plan purchased before Dec 2016, which won't have Activity Log. This feature is only available to Enterprise plans on a newer pricing model that we implemented after Dec 2016. The pricing page has more info on this. You may need to consult with your Sales rep for more info as it pertains to your specific plan.

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