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Scheduled Reports Not Generating

Dennis Wierzbicki
Dennis Wierzbicki ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have set up several recurring scheduled reports to be run this week, and NONE of them have run.

I am using the "Send as Attachment", "PDF", "Schedule to send later or on a recurring basis", I set it up, then hit "Send", and the recurring event appears in the "Sent to" field with the circular arrow icon to its left, but the report is never sent out.

I can schedule a single report, and this runs fine, but when I set up a recurring report to run over several days, not a single report runs.

Is there something wrong with this function in SmartSheet?





  • Dennis Wierzbicki

    Never mind...the reports were being sent out, but our SPAM system was intercepting them.

    Hopefully the problem has been solved.

  • Diana Tica


    I have the same problem with scheduled reports not being sent out via e-mail, I have checked Spam / Junk as well, nothing there either?

    Many Thanks,


  • Diana Tica


    Going back to my previous comment, the reports finally came through, with more than 1 hour delay, probably due to the fact that it generated the ENTIRE report, daily entries since March 2017, rather than just what I had filtered for the previous day.

    Is there any way I can schedule to send as attachment, keeping my set filters, so I send out only relevant info, not the entire sheet?

    Many Thanks,


  • Therese Campbell

    I set up a report to run once per week, but haven't had any success with this. If I manually send it to one person and ask them to check if it goes to their inbox, it works. However, when I try to send it on a schedule and it never sends. I've scrapped and rebuilt the entire report. I am sending it to both a distribution list and individuals. I just checked and nothing went out last night as scheduled. Really need to resolve this. Haven't found any answers out there.

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