Conditional Formatting on Date is not taking into account local account timezone settings
Conditional formatting using a date, is not taking into account the local account regional settings/timezone and appears to be using a default time zone. As conditions like change the color of a cell if the date in that cell = Today, is still highlighting the cell on the next day. My Time zone is set to Australia/NSW…
Counting Cells that contain text
Good Afternoon, I'm trying to add columns that only contain text. I have a column where the users insert "issues" that they have with that particular line item. At the bottom of the sheet, I need to have a running total of how many issues are listed (and then make a graph) so I am trying to make a formula counting blank…
RYGG Automated
Hi all, I am unsuccessfully trying to create a formula for the following RYGG column: Column [Project at Risk] with the RYGG: * If [PROJECT START] (date) is more then a day over I want the [PROJECT@RISK] to display "RED" ball * If [PROJECT START] (date) is less then 7 days away I want the [PROJECT@RISK] to display "YELLOW"…
Add children rows automatically with same format
I have a parent row where its high level description of task, The clhildrens rows are action items and next steps that have unique formatting. I would like collaborators with minimal SS experience to easily be able to add children row with same formatting. Right no, the only solution is to copy/past which isn't ideal.…
Inconsistency with FS Predecessors
This might be incredibly simple but I can't seem to find it already answered! Sometimes when I set a Finish to Start predecessor, the auto-filled "Start Date" is the same date as the predecessor row instead of the following business day. This seems to happen only about half the time. I've attached an example of me having…
Can I join the results from formulas in 2 differing cells?
Hit a brick wall, but I'll try to explain as best I can. Cell1 has a formula for a NUMERICAL sum for a row across [Column A] + [Column B] Cell2 has a formula to return TEXT based on value of a single cell in [Column C] My goal is to have a single cell to display contents of Cell1 and Cell2. I think I can join them, but…
Sort not correctly sorting manually-entered numbers
I've got an auto-number column in one of my sheets, which has data from an excel sheet that I used prior to smartsheet. Most of the numbers in the auto-number column were from historical data and needed to be identical to that excel sheet, so I changed the column type to text/number, inserted the data with the excel's…
RTF in Dashboard Widget
I downloaded an example dashboard which tracked multiple projects. Looked good and decided to build my dashboard to match example. Example dashboard has a Rich Text Widget which has multiple formats within. However when I try to use the rich text widget it does not allow me to have varied formats (different text sizes,…
Multiple Select
Hi I would like to be able to create a column drop down with our 8 of our staff names and be able to select multiple drivers in one column is this possible how do I do this? For example David, Richard, Pablo, Sarah And be able to select David & Pablo & Sarah in one coloumn Thanks
Checking users's secondary emails
I'm trying to add a user's email as a secondary email, but it's telling me the address is already in use. I can't however, find the other address as a user account. is there a way of finding out if it's being used as a secondary somehwere else?