Dynamic View Hierarchy
Hi, I'm wondering if there is hierarchy in Dynamic View add-on. For example, I can make a View for my vendor by choosing columns of my sheet that he can see/edit. But if my sheet has 3000+ rows, it really helps if you can minimize by pressing sing "-" (minus) in parent row. Is there a possibility that I can enable my…
Count free
Hello, delete a free account, I have a licensed one and I want to add the free one there once it has been deleted but it tells me that my account already appears in another smartsheet account when I just deleted it, can anyone support me?
Does Not Equal
I have a formula that is working for me....the last part of the formula includes if the "Partner Driven" box is checked. I now want to run the formula if "Partner Driven" is unchecked - I think it includes <> but I can't figure out where to include the "does not equal. =COUNTIFS([Event Date]:[Event Date], <=Today(),…
Hi I'm not sure if should I use IF and VLOOKUP or maybe COLLECT with IF formula. What I would like to achieve: Smartsheet A - with list of the application name and ID Smartsheet B - with results of the evaluation, where is application name and ID as well and Repsondent Role, and Result I would like to collect the…
Cell linking
Hello all of my smartsheets are coming up with the message - more sheets referenced than allowed and I am not sure what to do about it as the sheets were created for me and i know they all link to a 'master' sheet and now that I've added more rows this message appears every time I open the sheet. Can someone help me out as…
Automation Custom Message Formatting Issues in Outlook
Hello, I have an automation that I am using to alert someone, and when the notification comes through to my Outlook email the customized message has some serious formatting issues. I have tried multiple different formatting options, typed it directly into the customize message box, tried copy/paste from Word into the…
Why smartsheet require login for published sheet?
Previous embed the smartsheet in the wiki by iFrame, which is published link , it doesn't require log in. But now it required log in, it is really annoy. Any way back to original way?
IF statement to pull value from another sheet if a checkbox is ticked
Hi all, I'm trying to have a link between a risk register into an issues register and I don't know if it's simply my code or if this isn't possible in smart sheets. I have a column in my risk register with a checkbox that gets ticked when a risk has become an issue. I want my issue register to have a column listing the…
Creating multiple ranges without formula
I have inherited PMO reposinsibility for a large program in Smartsheets. I am going through the process of linking the various schedules, finance/risk/issues registers and other sheets for about 15 projects, all of which link into sub-programs and then up to the overall program. Is there any way that I can go into an…
Subtracting dates
I have a start date of 10-1-19 and a stop date of 10-31-19 and I want to see how many working days are in the range. I am using the formula as follows: =NETWORKDAYS([Schedule start]1, [Schedule stop]1,) I keep getting #UNPARSEABLE Must be doing something wrong? Regards, ds