Dynamic Dropdowns


I've been able to create and update 1500 dropdowns within seconds. I know a big issue in this community is wishing their is some way to update dropdown selections, with a small tweak to my javascript,

options array may not contain null elements.


const options = rows.map(x => x.cells.length && x.cells[0].displayValue)

.filter(x => x);

I was able to tag a 1500 sheets based on Sheet ID and Column ID Index: 0 - and now no longer need to worry about work around and time management for updates to those columns.


  • Ryan Sides
    Ryan Sides ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey Chris! Nice job!

    I created an app that Smartsheet users can use to have their dropdowns automatically updated too. (Although updating 1500 is impressive!)

    The way this app work is you tell it which sheet is your Source sheet and Source column. When the webhook fires on that sheet/column, it will update the Dropdown Destination sheet and column you set.

    It's great for dynamically updating dropdowns for things like inventory, states, cities, project numbers, etc.


    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

    Come Say Hello!

  • Emilio Wright
    Emilio Wright ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Chris Shifflett @Ryan Sides

    I created a python script that can update contact list dropdowns (or any type of dropdown column) based on a list of sheets provided. It does take about 5-10 seconds per sheet, depending on the number of Contact List columns that exist on the sheets. I use this for my Project Plans which currently have about 4-5 Contact List columns. I would use Control Center but it just takes too long to load the site and create the Global Update. This is not a polished app by any means, but it works for me because I rarely have to change the code. I just update the list of dictionaries for the contacts I have.

  • Gwen Rymill SBP
    Gwen Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭

    Great solutions @Chris Shifflett and @Ryan Sides

    Our development team at Smarter Business Processes have developed Smarter Dropdown List Manager for Smartsheet which allows you to control the content of multiple dropdown lists in different sheets all from one central point. https://www.smartsheet.com/marketplace/apps/smarter-dropdown-list-manager-smartsheet

    Please reach out if you would like a demo@Ryan Schaefer

  • Gwen Rymill SBP
    Gwen Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭

    Please see updated link to our Smarter Dropdown List Manager which allows you to centrally control your dropdown column content. Please reach out if you would like a demo https://smarterbusinessprocesses.com/smarter-dropdown-list-manager-2/

  • Alex_L_Oncor

    A dynamic drop down with similar options to excel that could point to a set of cells in a sheet would certainly be helpful.

  • jlyon1
    jlyon1 ✭✭✭

    +1 for this feature request

    My company is using a form to assign trailers to yard locations, but we need to restrict the dropdowns by facility(PA warehouse vs. TX warehouse) and type(dock door vs. parking spot). In the current state, the form would require users to select from hundreds of options. This leaves much room for error, as users could mistakenly assign a trailer to a parking spot at the wrong facility and cause confusion for both warehouses. How can we restrict assignment options without creating a new sheet for each facility?