Formula for Not In the Last (x) days on a specific column

Looking for a formula or best way to build a report that notifies me of all the rows on a smartsheet where a particular column has not been updated in more than x days? Last Modified (Auto) does not work as it will update if any column is updated. I'm looking to focus in on one particular column.

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @mmscott92

    You can do this using Record Date automation. One helper date column will be needed. Name it whatever you like. The automation inserts the date when a specific trigger occurs. In your case, you will trigger off of Rows Added or Changed, and the column will be the specific column you are interested in. Any change that happens, per row, will be recorded.

    When building the automation don't forget to actually check the box of 'Any Value' in the list.

    Then scroll down in the Select an Action section and choose Record Date, about halfway down the list. All date columns will be in a dropdown list - for efficiency, be sure to create the helper date column before beginning to create the automation so your date column will be in the list.

    Once the date is there, you should be able to build your report. You will probably use the Report Filter criteria of Not in the last x past days.

    Does this work for you?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @mmscott92

    You can do this using Record Date automation. One helper date column will be needed. Name it whatever you like. The automation inserts the date when a specific trigger occurs. In your case, you will trigger off of Rows Added or Changed, and the column will be the specific column you are interested in. Any change that happens, per row, will be recorded.

    When building the automation don't forget to actually check the box of 'Any Value' in the list.

    Then scroll down in the Select an Action section and choose Record Date, about halfway down the list. All date columns will be in a dropdown list - for efficiency, be sure to create the helper date column before beginning to create the automation so your date column will be in the list.

    Once the date is there, you should be able to build your report. You will probably use the Report Filter criteria of Not in the last x past days.

    Does this work for you?


  • This was very helpful, thanks!

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