Having problems with finding correct formula for situation


Hello, I am needing to make a list of all the values in one column if the name is found in another column. This is a completely different scenario but this situation might make more sense than the data I am analyzing.

For example, imagine in column 1 you have a list of all the students enrolled in a school. In Column 2, you have that child's teacher's name. Basically, I am trying to find the correct formula to say if column 2 has a value of Mrs. Smith, then return the child's name from column 1.

Basically, I want to create a summary for a dashboard that is like turning on a filter to show a list of all the children in that classroom.

Best Answer

  • Victoria_Indimar
    Victoria_Indimar ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Haley Walker !

    Hmm... I think I might be missing something in your scenario. From what I do understand, why can't you create a report that will filter for that teacher? It'll filter it for you and is something you can add to a dashboard.

    Or are you trying to make a list for each teacher and display that? If so, you can group the report and it'll output the list organized by teacher.


  • Victoria_Indimar
    Victoria_Indimar ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Haley Walker !

    Hmm... I think I might be missing something in your scenario. From what I do understand, why can't you create a report that will filter for that teacher? It'll filter it for you and is something you can add to a dashboard.

    Or are you trying to make a list for each teacher and display that? If so, you can group the report and it'll output the list organized by teacher.

  • Haley Walker

    Thank you. I didn't even think about that. That did what I was needing.

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