Recording Status changes throughout the course of a project



I want to record the change in the status of a symbol column. I understand that there is a "record the date" automation in place, but this automation gets rid of the previous date that the record was changed. I want to display on a dashboard every time the date has changed and what symbol it changed to. Please let me know if there is any workaround for this issue.

Thank you and have a great day!

Best Answer

  • TomG
    TomG ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Adam,

    For logging changes on a particular sheet, I use an automation that copies the entire row to a different sheet used to log the data changes. The automation is triggered whenever a row is modified or added. One of the columns I have in my main sheet is a system column called Modified and the column type is "Modified Date".

    I then use reports or cross sheet links to create the view of the data that I want from the log file.

    Hope this is helpful for you and have a great day.



  • TomG
    TomG ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Adam,

    For logging changes on a particular sheet, I use an automation that copies the entire row to a different sheet used to log the data changes. The automation is triggered whenever a row is modified or added. One of the columns I have in my main sheet is a system column called Modified and the column type is "Modified Date".

    I then use reports or cross sheet links to create the view of the data that I want from the log file.

    Hope this is helpful for you and have a great day.


  • Baldif

    Hi Tom, which is the automation you used to copy the entire row to a different sheet used to log the data changes?

    Could you provide more details?

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