Workflow Questions

Hello: I have two questions that I hope someone can help me with. 1) If I have a bunch of workflow items (calls, emails, texts) laid out on a daily cadence until the person responds. Is there a way to automatically mark them as 100% as soon as they respond, and I enter a Start Date in the next section? 2) Is there a way to auto assign the next task date to be the same as the start date unless changed? Thanks!


  • ABoado
    ABoado ✭✭✭

    Hi Jeannie-

    where does the person respond? Do they fill out something on the smartsheet? Or are you marking complete when they respond to you directly and then you mark it as complete in the smartsheet? You can use the automated change cell value workflow to complete the date changes.

  • This option: Or are you marking complete when they respond to you directly and then you mark it as complete in the smartsheet?

    Ideally if I enter the date that they responded in the yellow cells (line 39), it will then cancel out all of the tasks b/f it in that grouping (lines 30-38). Does that make sense?

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