Can you create an IF Statement using the following?

HYG_Support ✭✭✭✭
edited 02/27/23 in Formulas and Functions

If Actual Build Date is Blank, Clear to Ship is Blank, and Actual Ship is Blank, then put "Not Started"

If Actual Build Date is Not Blank, Clear to Ship is Blank, and Actual Ship is Blank, then put "Factory"

If Actual Build Date is Not Blank, Clear to Ship is Not Blank, and Actual Ship is Blank, then put "Clear To Ship"

If Actual Build Date is Not Blank, Clear to Ship is Not Blank, and Actual Ship is Not Blank, then put "In The Field"

Can you combine all 4 statements together?

Best Answer

  • Kelly P.
    Kelly P. ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Okay, then try this (modify the column names in the formula if they differ from the grid you supplied in your question):

    =IF(AND(ISDATE([Actual Build Date]@row), ISDATE([Actual CTS]@row), ISDATE([Actual SHP]@row)), "In The Field", IF(AND(ISDATE([Actual Build Date]@row), ISDATE([Actual CTS]@row)), "Clear To Ship", IF(ISDATE([Actual Build Date]@row), "Factory", "Not Started")))

    Hope this helps. 😊


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