Hello, I have the following formula that works but I want to adjust it to working days only:

=SUMIFS({QTY produced}, {completed date}, <=TODAY(), {completed date}, >=TODAY(-30), {element}, ([description reference]@row))

This formula is pulling completed dates from another sheet. I am wanting the formula above to only count quantities 30 working days from today's date. Is there a way to modify this formula to include only working days? I think that the sheet is counting weekends at this moment. I updated the properties of the sheet to specify Mon-Fri, but not sure how to implement "WORKDAY" into the formula. Can you please advise?

Best Answer

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    I think this should do what you're after:

    =SUMIFS({QTY produced}, {Completed Date}, >=WORKDAY(TODAY(), -30), {Completed Date}, <=TODAY(), {Element}, [Description reference]@row)


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