Contact showing email address instead of their first/last name

Karen Bruer
Karen Bruer ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 04/04/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I have created personal contacts, and when I select the contact in a sheet, it shows the First Name and Last Name. But sometimes, it just shows the email address. How come?


  • Eric Law
    Eric Law ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Karen Bruer,

    If you want the field to show First Last name, you can click the contact and add in their Name (which would be blank). This happens when a user doesn't set up their Smartsheet profile, or if you are adding emails from people not in Smartsheet.

  • Karen Bruer
    Karen Bruer ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes I do that for all contacts, and usually that works, but sometimes, it doesn't - see screenshot.

  • DJB
    DJB ✭✭✭
    edited 02/09/24

    I'm experiencing the same. I have the contacts added in "My Smartsheet Contacts" with both name and email address, yet when trying to add the name as an option for a contact list, for some contacts only the email address is shown. Messes up the sheet.

  • DJB
    DJB ✭✭✭

    @Karen Bruer, did you ever resolve your issue? In my case, what i found is that although i had set up the contact correctly, the contact's profile would override my setup. So if they hadn't set up their profile i would only get their email address. In our case, all the contacts are a part of a business plan - licensed and unlicensed.

  • Karen Bruer
    Karen Bruer ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nope, not resolved. It's possible I need to add them to the business plan as a unlicensed user, I'll try that.