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Reporting more than one item

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I think there is something easy I'm missing with this.  I was testing to see if what I wanted would work before adding a bunch of sheets.

I took 2 sheets, I wanted to report Sales and boxes for each project in the same report.

When I only enter one of the 2 items in the "What" the report will generate and include that one value - tested with both items, same result.

When I try to run it with both in the "What" column I get an error message "you must select at least one criteria" - I thought I was selecting 2 so don't understand the error.





  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    The What criteria you selected is looking for both BOXES being a number AND sales being a number in a particular row. Because neither of your rows have both boxes and Sales populated with numbers, neither appears. You can change the AND criteria to OR in the gray bar in the What category and it will process the items. 

  • Oh, I thought it was looking for a column not a row.

    I will try putting both items in the same row.

    I did try the report with "OR" but it returns every line on the sheet not just those with the "Sales" or "Boxes"

    That seems to fail due to it forcing the 4th variable to be "OR" as well.  As a result, it returns every row.

    Thank you

  • Ahhh...now I see - I can actually exclude criteria.  I had thought I had to use all 4.

    Works great now!

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    When you say OR are you referring to the BLUE AND/OR boxes or the Gray one in the middle of the What list? 

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