I am creating a Sheet Summary that will later be used in a dashboard.

I am creating a Sheet Summary that will later be used in a dashboard. I am trying to sum up the number of calls presented in the month of January that were received by the Info Center and Info Center Callbacks queues. I have the formula =SUMIF([CSQ Name]:[Month], AND(OR(@cell = "Info Center", @cell = "Info Center Callbacks") @cell = "January 2023"), [Calls Presented]:[Calls Presented]) but I am receiving #unparseable.

How can I sum the number of calls based of and or criteria in one column and and and criteria of another column.

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @blmccue

    Try this

    =SUMIFS([Calls Presented]:[Calls Presented], Month:Month, "January 2023", [CSQ Name]:[CSQ Name], CONTAINS("Info", @cell))

    Since both of the call center names contained the string "Info", I used a CONTAINS function in place of the OR(). The OR would also work.

    Will this work for you?



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