Countif on a row of data


Is it possible to count the number of full or blank cells in a ranges of cells, on a single row and have the result in a cell on the row?

I've tried countif and Smartsheet wants to use the full row (@row) that leads to circular referencing.

Best Answer

  • DGS
    DGS ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    As if by magic, it now works?

    I ended up using SUM( aaa:bbb) that worked, and then changing SUM to COUNTIF and adding the criteria e.g. COUNTIF(AAA:BBB, ="")


  • DGS
    DGS ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    As if by magic, it now works?

    I ended up using SUM( aaa:bbb) that worked, and then changing SUM to COUNTIF and adding the criteria e.g. COUNTIF(AAA:BBB, ="")

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