If Formula Cross Sheets

Having trouble connecting my IF formula across 2 sheets. I am getting an #UNPARSABLE error. All columns are text columns.

If the column has Mark's name, then = 100. If the column has Tim's, then = 200.

=IF({TRACKING SHEET Range 1}@cell = "Mark", 100, IF({TRACKING SHEET Range 1}@cell = "Tim", 200)))


  • Paul M Kahl
    Paul M Kahl ✭✭✭✭

    Looks like the formula has an extra right parenthesis.

    =IF({TRACKING SHEET Range 1}@cell = "Mark", 100, IF({TRACKING SHEET Range 1}@cell = "Tim", 200))

  • aecross
    aecross ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Paul M Kahl - thanks for the help! I am unfortunately still getting an #UNPARSABLE error.

  • Paul M Kahl
    Paul M Kahl ✭✭✭✭

    Apologies, I wasn't paying attention to the reference to another sheet. Maybe you can attach an image of the two sheets?

  • aecross
    aecross ✭✭✭✭

    Paul - these sheets both are very sensitive information so I do not feel comfortable sharing images. However I'll explain my columns more clearly.

    I am trying to populate my Estimate OSC column with Mark and Tim's outside costs. If the Partner column (in the referenced sheet) is Mark, then = 100. If it is Time, then = 200.

    But, regardless, it is always one or the other. So maybe a formula that is just if the Partner column (in the referenced sheet) is Mark, then = 100, otherwise it equals 200. I've tried to set this up and couldn't quite get the right formula.

    =IF({TRACKING SHEET Range 1}, ="Mark", 100, 200)

  • Dakota Haeffner
    Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭

    So you have an extra comma in your logical expression.

    =IF({TRACKING SHEET Range 1} ="Mark", 100, 200)

    however this formula still probably wont work because you are asking it to look at a range of cells, right?

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