Reapprove an Update

After submitting a form I trigger "Request an Approval" that has Approve or Decline. If I choose Decline I can trigger "Request an Update" - My question is how do I reapprove that update?

I can trigger at a time of day, but I'm trying to trigger this approval by an action so I don't need to delay to process.

Nothing I try has worked... Thanks for the help.


  • Lucas Rayala
    Lucas Rayala Community Champion

    Hi @Schmeltzer, I may not be understanding this correctly, but it appears someone is physically selecting "Decline"--is that correct? If so, that action can be used in a normal, real-time workflow. You should be able to set up the same workflow you used when you set up the time of day workflow. If I'm misunderstanding, maybe add some screenshots to expand on this.

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