Checkbox Summaries

Hey all,

I am a new smartsheet user using smartsheets to track progress for a rehab project for an apartment complex.

We are checking off each completed task for each unit using checkboxes.

To best track progress, I am trying to find out how to get totals for total number of checkboxes on the spreadsheet and total number checked so I can see how many items are completed out of what needs to be done.

What are your recommendations for this goal?


  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp Community Champion

    Hi @Aaliyah

    You can use COUNTIF() to count the number of checked items.😉

    I could not find a formula that automatically calculates the number of checkboxes in the selected range.

    The formula I have in the summary field, checkbox #, is as follows;

    =COUNTIF([unit #]:[unit #], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))) * 3

    You can use summary fields value in other summary field formulas by adding # to the summary field's name.

    For example, [check / total box]'s formula is as follows;

    =[check #]# / [checkbox #]#

    To add up the checked items number in a specific checkbox column is as follows;

    To add up the checked items number in a specific checkbox column is as follows;

    =COUNTIFS([demo bath]:[demo bath], @cell = 1)

    Please look at the published sheet in the following URL to check if the formulas are working by checking or un-checking checkboxes. (Note: You need to refresh to get updated %)

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