Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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COUNTIFS multi drop down list and check box

I have a sheet where I am counting the number of variance root causes if the milestone field is checked (first column). Variance root cause is a multi select drop down. In the above example, the count would equal 4 (I would not count the root cause for task 3 since milestone is not checked.

I have the formula working with multiple COUNTIFS added together but think there must be a cleaner/better way to do it.

=COUNTIFS({Root Cause}, CONTAINS("Build Challenges", @cell), {Milestone}, 1) + second equation, etc…

Any thoughts or hints would be appreciated.

Thank you!


  • ✭✭✭✭

    Hello SteveE,

    I like those snippets. Pretty neat!

    This is what I would try aside from demarcating each individual drop-down possibility, a look-up table would be able to do this same thing. Personally, I prefer the formula because it is cleaner and if isnt broke… why fix it?

    Hope this helps!


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