IF Formula to determine current + next months coming up

I'm looking for a way to create the following:

I need to add an identifier that says within the next two months, and then another one that says the next three months nut not including the current as I have that already separated using the formula below. How do I count out 60, 90 days to call them next 2 months, next 3 months, from the starting current month?

=IF([Target Launch Date Current]@row = "", "", IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()) = YEAR([Target Launch Date Current]@row), MONTH(TODAY()) = MONTH([Target Launch Date Current]@row)), "Current", IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()) - 1 = YEAR([Target Launch Date Current]@row), MONTH(TODAY()) = 1, MONTH([Target Launch Date Current]@row) = 12), "Previous", IF(AND(YEAR(TODAY()) = YEAR([Target Launch Date Current]@row), MONTH(TODAY()) = MONTH([Target Launch Date Current]@row) + 1), "Previous", ""))))

Thank you in advance


  • parulmishra
    parulmishra ✭✭✭✭✭

    From what I could understand.. you can try using below formula "Column2" is the column name in which you have the Launch dates

    =IF([Column2]@row = "", "", IF(([Column2]@row - TODAY(1 - DAY(TODAY()))) > 90, "Next 3 month", IF(([Column2]@row - TODAY(1 - DAY(TODAY()))) > 60, "Next 2 months", "Next month")))

    Parul Mishra

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